Pledge to Fight Against Trafficking

Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry that targets some of the world’s most vulnerable people - migrants, refugees, people living in poverty and with addictions - to name just a few. Ending human trafficking means providing an adequate response and safety net - shelters, trauma counseling, employment services, for survivors. But it also means looking beyond individual situations, understanding that we cannot arrest our way out of an epidemic of this magnitude. 

Named after the North Star, an historical symbol of freedom, Polaris works toward long-term solutions aimed at reshaping the systems that make trafficking possible and profitable in North America while supporting victims and survivors by connecting them to services and supports through the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.

Pledge now to stand up for those who have lost their freedom. 

Join our movement and help make a difference in the lives of human trafficking victims and survivors.

  1. Learn about what makes people vulnerable to trafficking and how those vulnerabilities are played upon and exploited for profit.
  2. Learn how you are uniquely situated - as a parent, a professional, a boss, an employee, a community member, to become part of the solution.
  3. Listen to survivors of human trafficking, understand their needs, respect their insights and follow their leads.